This database is Copyright (c) 1992-2019 Plants For A Future.
Currently the database is available in three forms for 7400 temperate plants. There are three licenses
- Database: Standard Home Edition $50. For private use
- Database: Commercial Edition $150. For use in an office/workplace.
- Database: Student Edition $30. Single use
The download includes:
- A Microsoft Excel file
- A CSV file for other spreadsheets
- A DB FIle. You can also export any of the tables as CSV. Use a DB Browser for
example: DB Browser for SQLite is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.
Data on Latin name, Family, Common name, Habit, Deciduous/Evergreen, Height, Width, UK Hardiness, Medicinal, Range, Habitat, Soil, Shade, Moisture, Well-drained, Nitrogen fixer, pH, Acid, Alkaline, Saline, Wind, Growth rate, Pollution, Poor soil, Drought Wildlife, Pollinators, Self-fertile, Known hazards, Synonyms, Cultivation details, Edible uses, Uses notes, Propagation, Heavy clay, EdibilityRating, FrostTender, Scented, MedicinalRating, and Author.
The Microsoft Excel File

The CSV File (other spreadsheets including Google Sheets)

SQLite DB FIle

The license is only for the use of the Plants For A Future data by an individual or organization (license dependent). It is not licensed for use in